EuroSpeleo 2016 Sessions

AESDA Calib - a calibration device for DistoX/X2

Session code: OT9

Oral / Technical, Main EuroSpeleo Conference

Dr Frederico Regala


The Paperless Cave Surveying System created by Beat Heeb, with DistoX and DistoX2, has proven its effectiveness for speleologists around the World. Howevwer, the required calibration of the measuring instrument is a rather difficult and time consuming process. In this paper we present a device especially conceived to make the calibration procedures significantly easier and faster.


- Professional archaeologist with M. A. degree - presently working for the Regional Direction for the Cultural Heritage of Algarve
- President of the AESDA - Associação de Estudos Subterrâneos e Defesa do Ambiente (Associacion for Subterranean Studies and Environmental Protection)
- Founder of the Portuguese speleological journal "Trogle"
- Active speleologist since1989